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The Interior Shop

    What could be better than a link to one of the best custom automotive upholstery shops in the country. Of course we are talking about the interior shop. Classic car interiors to show car masterpieces and everything in between. Todd and his crew can give you the interior you have only dreamed of.



The future of automotive's past


My 68 Chevelle

    One of our projects is the interior of My 68 Chevelle. Watch the restoration or more correctly the restification of a 1968 Chevelle from wreck to show car. Ultra leather and four bucket seats make this custom interior stand out from the rest. Kind of like the air bag suspension and the 22's / 20's do for the outside.


AZ Custom Auto

    AZ cars, SEMA pictures, GoodGuys pictures information on classic cars for sale


Cadillac Pro

    Cadillac Pro is the home of Cadillac Joe. Check out SEMA 2005 pictures and don't miss the girls of SEMA. Classic Arizona cars for sale. Custom automobile service at Cadillac Pro


Devious Customs

    You can view our latest projects, projects that we have completed and that are being currently shown, as well as movies and our infamous Wall of Shame. If you have any questions about parts, work needing to be completed, or just plain old good advice, do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email.


Scion Eyed

    Designed for the tuner crowd the Scion line up is turning heads.  Scion literally means "dependant" or "heir". Toyota has brought forth a new look with the XB. You either hate it or love it but chances are if you hate it, you have never sat inside or driven one. With more headroom than any car I can remember and legroom to match!


Lucky Luciano

    Many painters worry only about what you see most on a car. Lucky goes above and beyond and will spend hours making sure even the places you don't see are done right. He delivers the show car quality paint that so many other's just promise. Take a look at some of the examples of his work throughout this web site. Add us to your favorites and check back now and then to see the latest projects. Many painters worry only about what you see most on a car. Lucky goes above and beyond and will spend hours making sure even the places you don't see are done right. He delivers the show car quality paint that so many other's just promise. Take a look at some of the examples of his work throughout this web site. Add us to your favorites and check back now and then to see the latest projects.


SoCal Customs

    Southern California's definitive  custom car and truck show coverage


Street Source Magazine

    And you thought your ride addicting


Street Trucks Mag

    StreetTrucks magazine is the only, all encompassing custom truck publication targeted at the light-truck, $7-billion annual industry. Readers of this publication are assured of being enlightened, entertained and educated on the latest, cutting edge advancements in new trucks, hot news from the leading aftermarket parts manufacturers and sizzling feature truck photography, topped off by technical articles targeted to fulfill today's truck enthusiast's needs.

Detroit Electric         Dedicated to the electric car. Watch the restoration of a 1914 Detroit Electric

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Copyright © 2005 - 2024 The In Shop  Last modified: Dec-24